Title: I've watched you change
moku-youbiFandom: Supernatural
Relationship/Characters: Wincestiel (DeanSamCas, DeanCas, SamCas, SamDean), past establish Sam/Cas, mention of past implied underage non establish Dean/Sam.
Word count: 16 065
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Pwp Case!fic, AR after season 5. This is not an omega!verse.
Content notes/Warnings: Explicit, Non-con transformation/body mod/mind control/rape/murder, lots of non-con, mention of implied underage. Kinks: Bondage, BDSM, Barebacking/dry sex, Knotting, Heat, Masturbation, Breathplay, Biting, Incest, D/s, threesome.
Author’s note: The characters’ opinions in this story are not mine. I do not support rape in any form and do not believe it can be excusable.
Also, lol, this was meant to be so much darker and totally ended up pwp. Oh well!
Summary: When Dean and Sam go on a hunt against the Alpha werewolf, they fall in a trap. Now they have to deal with the consequences of their mistakes.
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