Title: Like We Were Yesterday
teaotterFandom: Fringe
Relationship(s)/Characters: Olivia Dunham/Lincoln Lee, Olivia Dunham/Lincoln Lee/Nick Lane
Word Count: 30k (~15k written for polybigbang)
Rating: PG-13
Content Notes/Warnings: none
Summary: Fringe season 4 AU. Olivia and Lincoln are romantically involved when Lincoln follows a hunch that leads him to his high school friend Nick Lane...who was paired with Olivia for the Cortexiphan experiments in Jacksonville when they were children. With Nick back in their lives, Olivia and Lincoln rediscover feelings they'd thought long left behind--and Nick's empathic ability makes his love for both of them undeniably clear. It would've been easy to dismiss their connection as a bizarre love triangle, but nothing's that simple in Fringe Division.
Fic post:
AO3Art post: Cover art by
TeaOtter. Please leave comments for her