Title: A Silver Lining by the Light of the Moon
bunnymcfooFandom: Teen Wolf
Relationship(s)/Characters: Derek/Erica/Stiles, Jackson/Lydia, Scott, Isaac, Boyd, Sheriff, Deaton
Word Count: 40,400
Rating: NC17
Content Notes/Warnings: This is a Sentinel AU fic so the usual dub-con issues for that trope apply. Also contains sex, canon style violence, torture, Allison bashing, humour and geekiness.
Loads of thanks to
bunnymcfoo for stepping in to do the art at the final hour.
Summary: The Alphas capture Stiles along with Erica and Boyd which sets off a chain reaction that no-one could have forseen. Spells are lifted, family secrets are revealed and Stiles suddenly finds himself as one side of a Triad. Not only that, but the Alphas have stuck around and now have their sights firmly set on Stiles and his new lovers.
Fic: Read here on the
LJ Masterpost or here
on AO3 Art: Art Masterpost - TBC