Title: The Better Part of Forever
Author: xonceinadream
Fandom: Glee
Relationship(s)/Characters: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel/Sebastian Smythe, Blaine Anderson/Sebastian Smythe, One-Sided Past Adam Crawford/Kurt Hummel
Word Count: 28,474 Words
Rating: M
Content Notes/Warnings: Graphic sex. Rough sex. Bloodplay. Forced kiss/attempted noncon (not between Sebklaine).
Summary: Blaine and Sebastian have slowly gotten used to living without Kurt. That is, until they meet Kurt again in Lima, Ohio of all places. Unfortunately, he doesn't remember who they are or that they're vampires and so the two of them have to woo him again while trying to protect him from the man who killed him the first time. | Based on
this prompt from
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