Round 5 Summaries

Oct 05, 2013 15:38

Here's the summaries received for round 5! Claiming of the summaries will begin on Monday, October 7th at 11 am EST (GMT-5). There will be a separate post for that.

Artists: peruse at your leisure, and set up a proxy claimer if you won't be around for the opening of claims and you see something you cannot live without and don't want to run the risk of losing out on. Claims are first come, first serve, and we won't double up on claims (read: more than one artist making art for 1 story) unless/until all the stories are claimed once.

Authors: check and make sure your summary is here. If it is not, and you know you sent it in, contact me ASAP to have this corrected. If you notice a spelling mistake or an error and you would like it corrected, contact me ASAP. And lastly, sit back and relax and get ready for the fun times.


Summary #: 01
Fandom: The Benjamin January mysteries by Barbara Hambly
Characters & Relationships: Ben/Rose/Hannibal
Rating: R/NC-17
Warnings/Content Notes: Nothing explicit other than sex, some vague references to past violence and drug/alcohol abuse
Summary: Benjamin January and his new wife Rose have rescued their best friend Hannibal from an untimely death, and plan on taking him back home with them. But things between them have gotten complicated: Ben loves Rose, but still wants Hannibal. Rose loves Ben, but has changing feelings for Hannibal. Hannibal loves everyone, but thinks they would be better off without him. How ever will they work this out? (Answer: WITH SEX.)

Set in 1830s New Orleans and Mexico (and a boat in between the two)

Summary #: 02
Fandom: Oryx and Crake
Characters & Relationships: Jimmy/Oryx/Crake
Rating: M
Warnings/Content Notes: post-"apocalyptic" setting, memories/dreams/fantasies, stream-of-consciousness, what-if scenarios, basically 9/10th of this take place in the protagonist's head in the form of tl;dr writing
Summary: His life now takes place in the unlived past; his present being eaten up by a dull routine that leaves his thoughts unoccupied and free to roam.

Snowman, who was once Jimmy, has survived a global pandemic and now lives in a forest not far from the sea, away from the glare of the sun and the curious eyes of the Crakers, a biologically engineered humanoid species his friend Crake developped. To take his mind off the hunger gnawing at his bones, Snowman bides his time inside his own head, remembering and conjuring the ghosts from his past, especially those of Oryx and Crake. Sometimes he makes them dance to a new tune, born not out of memory, but out of fantasy, because re-watching the same old shows becomes boring after a while and when there's nothing else to do you start wondering about what could have been...


Summary #: 03
Fandom: Torchwood/Harry Potter/Doctor Who
Characters & Relationships: Draco/Ianto/Jack, Remus/Sirius, Charlie/Tosh, Rhys/Gwen, Rhys/Owen, Severus/Harry, Bill/Neville/Oliver, Tonks/Martha, Fred/Hermione, George/Luna, the Doctor, past the Doctor/Rose/Neville and past Ianto/Lisa
Rating: R
Warnings/Content Notes: Manipulation
Summary: After the events of Cyberwoman Ianto is a shattered and broken mess, there is no place for him in Torchwood anymore and returns home to the wizarding world, can he find healing there? Who will help fix this broken soul, maybe someone just as broken as him? But is Jack that willing to let Ianto go as he seems?

Summary #: 04
Fandom: Harry Potter/ Batman: Arkham City
Characters & Relationships: Joker/Harry Potter/Harley Quinn
Rating: NC-17
Warnings/Content Notes: Stockholm Syndrome, dub-con, smut, lipstick on boys, general craziness
Summary: Auror Harry Potter is sent to Arkham City to go undercover and infiltrate the Joker’s gang. His status as a wizard is soon discovered by Harley Quinn, and she and the Joker begin to develop an obsession with their pretty green-eyed magician.


Summary #: 05
Fandom: 999: 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors
Characters & Relationships: "June," "Santa," Junpei; June/Santa/Junpei
Rating: M
Warnings/Content Notes: Warnings & Content Notes: Incest, codependency, mental illness, PTSD, mutilation, references to murder, child death, death by burning, organized crime. (This is a fic where the polyamorous trio are incestuous/codependent/unhealthy people pretending nothing is wrong with themselves or their arrangement, la di da, so manipulation, ultimatums (not of the love triangle sort, this IS Poly Big Bang ;)), in-fighting and other Seriously Unhealthy and Upsetting behaviors are a constant presence in this fic.)
Summary: Summary: Post-canon. June and Santa have spent nearly a year building a new life together after the Nonary Game, and are contended with the arrangement, the relationship, and a life of unusual domesticity-while-ignoring-their-personal-issues until Junpei arrives looking to reconcile with his not-girlfriend and things boil over quickly with organized crime wars; petty jealousy 'resolved' by awkward threesomes; and a house fire. Not necessarily in that order!


Summary #: 06
Fandom: The Avengers (MCU)
Characters & Relationships: Bruce Banner (Hulk), Clint Barton (Hawkeye), J.A.R.V.I.S., Steve Rogers (Captain America), Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow), Tony Stark (Iron Man), Thor. Bruce/Tony, Steve/Tony, Bruce/Steve/Tony.
Rating: MA/FRAO
Warnings/Content Notes: Sexual content (m/m, m/m/m (polyamorous relationship), barebacking, blowjobs, double penetration (spit-roasting), anal fingering, fisting, hand-job, plug), language, brief canonical violence.
Summary: Magic and a shattered butterfly effect leave Bruce, Steve and Tony struggle to piece their lives together. Two simple choices create two similar, parallel paths - alternatives that are fused back together to resume the single continuity. The trio is faced with a painful choice: to hold onto their partner with whom they have forged a relationship over the last month, or let go in favor of their friend and teammate.

Summary #: 07
Fandom: Avengers
Characters & Relationships: Phil Coulson/Natasha/Clint Barton; Bruce Banner/Tony Stark/ Steve Rogers (if Tony doesn't make Steve run screaming into the night)
Rating: M (there is some smexy smexy stuff so, yes)
Warnings/Content Notes: No warnings needed. Just well, smex and some angst and Tony being his usual "charming" self and by charming, I mean "STAHP being so weird, Tony!"
Summary: There are rules to dating poly style. Tony doesn't know them but he's eager to learn. He's just lucky that he has his fellow Avengers on his side. And that Steve Rogers isn't as much of a dork as Tony likes to think he is. Denial isn't just a river in Egypt.

Etc: Bruce being awesome. Coulson being Coulson. Don't make Natasha have to hurt you, Stark. And really? You don't want Thor helping. No, Thor helping would not be wise at all. It'd be less damaging if it were Dummy. Or You. Oh, Thor.

Summary #: 08
Fandom: The Avengers
Characters & Relationships: Tony/Steve/Clint, Phil/Pepper and Natasha/Bruce
Rating: NC-17
Warnings/Content Notes: mature, kidnapping, rape, torture, mild bdsm, PTSD, anger management issues
Summary: A kidnapping brings couples together as Tony Stark and Pepper Potts recover from their ordeal with the help of their lovers, but hardships ensue as old wounds are reopened and past traumas are revisited.

Summary #: 09
Fandom: Avengers
Characters & Relationships: Clint/Coulson, Clint/Steve, Clint/Coulson/Steve
Rating: NC-17
Warnings/Content Notes: None
Summary: While biding his time waiting for Coulson to come home, Clint is surprised to find himself striking up a closer relationship with Steve. Much to Steve's surprise, neither of them have plans for letting him go.

Summary #: 10
Fandom: Disney's The Princess and the Frog
Characters & Relationships: Princess Tiana/Prince Naveen/Charlotte LaBouff
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/Content Notes: sexual content
Summary: Tiana and Naveen's honeymoon is interrupted by the appearance of an impulsive Lottie, who ends up stranded in France, and whose plan to get herself home upsets the local press and their advisors...but bonds the three of them closer together than ever.

Summary #: 11
Fandom: Star Trek AOS (2009 + 2013 movies)
Characters & Relationships: Pairing - Kirk/Uhura/Spock. Other characters featured - Dr. Leonard McCoy (Bones), Gaila, Scotty, Sulu, Chekov, Christine Chapel, Christopher Pike, Spock Prime.
Rating: Mature
Warnings/Content Notes: Sexual content. Claustrophobia (for one scene, two characters are in a small, dark space together, although the characters themselves do not experience claustrophobia.) Grief of a character from genocide and loss of family members.
Summary: Jim Kirk does nothing in halves, so of course the first time he falls in love, it's with not just one but two of the most unlikely people. Much to their chagrin, they fall in love with him right back.


Summary #: 12
Fandom: Original
Characters & Relationships: Demeter/Kimberly Sutton/David Bettencourt; Persephone, Arion, Plutus
Rating: R
Warnings/Content Notes: violence, lots of minor character deaths
Summary: Demeter's held a grudge for centuries, and it could mean the end of Miami unless two mortals stop her.


Summary #: 13
Fandom: The Move RPF/Electric Light Orchestra RPF/The Chaser RPF AU
Characters & Relationships: Carl Wayne (as Lord Aylesford); Roy Wood (as Sir Roy); Hugh McDowell; Rick Price (as Sir Richard); Bev Bevan (as Lord Stafford); Mik Kaminski (as Lord Capill); Jeff Lynne (as Lord Warwick); Charles Firth (His Majesty King Charles III), Craig Reucassel (Queen Charlotte), Andrew Hansen (Lord Darling); original characters (Lady Aylesford; Miss Matthews, Hugh's mother; others as needed.). Carl Wayne/Roy Wood/Hugh McDowell, Carl Wayne/Roy Wood; Carl Wayne/Hugh McDowell; Roy Wood/Hugh McDowell; Carl Wayne/OFC; Charles Firth/Craig Reucassel; Charles Firth/Andrew Hansen.
Rating: FMR/Mature
Warnings/Content Notes: Depressive and suicidal thoughts. Off-screen referenced suicide. Spiritual ponderings, service, sexual situations, angst, magic, submission, Latin prayers, Christianity, anointing with oil, religious devotion, prayer, rituals, sexual experimentation, scar worship, body worship, religion as a kink, polyamory, redemptionattempt (drowning).
Summary: Hugh can hardly believe his luck. Just when he thought all was lost, he has reconciled with his oldest friend, Sir Roy, and gained a mentor and supervisor in Lord Aylesford. As he and Sir Roy work towards their firsr degrees, and adjust to life at the Earl's estate, Hugh finds he is in need of their love, and their acceptance, because feeling like an outcast is an all too familiar feeling.

Summary #: 14
Fandom: SPN RPF
Characters & Relationships: J3 (Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki)
Rating: R/NC-17
Warnings/Content Notes: sexual content, threesomes, multiple kinks, poly relationships.
Summary: Jared and Jensen have been a couple for many years and they love each other very much. Yet they’ve always felt like something was missing in their relationship. One day, after Jeff catches them together, Jared and Jensen realize that Jeff was the missing piece to their love. They find out that their love, while strong and passionate, was incomplete…until Jeff came along.

Summary #: 15
Fandom: SPN RPF
Characters & Relationships: Jared Padalecki/Danneel Harris/Jensen Ackles (and all variation)
Rating: NC17
Warnings/Content Notes: all characters are within the same age/grade in later HS years, underage drinking, minor physical fighting, references to parental death, foul language
Summary: When Danneel transfers to a new high school, she just wants to get through the year and remain under the radar. She never expected Jared or Jensen's attempts to befriend her, nor the chance to finally be herself again and build a strong relationship between all three of them.

Summary #: 16
Fandom: Bandom (Fall Out Boy)
Characters & Relationships: Patrick Stump/Elisa Yao/Pete Wentz
Rating: NC-17
Warnings/Content Notes: Pregnancy, sex during pregnancy, canon child character
Summary: When single father and aspiring author Pete Wentz introduces his childhood best friend, Patrick, to his agent, Elisa, sparks fly. Soon the two are married. It doesn't take Pete long to realise that his feelings for Patrick and Elisa are something other than simple friendship, but the added pressures of having a kid, a baby on the way, and a sudden increase in public scrutiny after the success of his novel complicate things. What makes a family, and what makes it "real"?

Summary #: 17
Fandom: Hockey RPF
Characters & Relationships: Jordan Eberle/Taylor Hall/Ryan Nugent-Hopkins
Rating: M
Warnings/Content Notes: um, angst and tears but I am working towards a happy ending
Summary: For a while, Ryan was just the third wheel in the Hallsy and Ebs show. But, somewhere in the middle of their lockout-shortened season, that all changed. Ryan isn't sure when it changed--probably about the same time the team stopped teasing him about it, and started getting concerned he was trying to break the two of them up. But when Ryan brings it up, he finds out he might be the only one of them who thought they'd all become more than just friends, and he's not sure how to come back from that.

Summary #: 18
Fandom: One Direction RPF
Characters & Relationships: Zayn Malik/Harry Styles, Zayn Malik/Perrie Edwards, Louis Tomlinson/Eleanor Calder, Louis Tomlinson/Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson/Harry Styles/Eleanor Calder
Rating: Explicit/NC-17
Warnings/Content Notes: contains some alcohol and drug use and sex while tipsy
Summary: Harry falls into a thing with Zayn by accident. Louis falls into a thing with Harry on purpose. Harry falls in love with Louis by accident. And Eleanor makes sure everything works out for the best. Non-AU set during the Take Me Home Tour.

Summary #: 19
Fandom: One Direction
Characters & Relationships: OT5 (various pairings within fic)
Rating: Mature
Warnings/Content Notes: Liam-centric with Harry, Louis, and Niall as girls.
Summary: Liam spends his days working at the coffee shop, doing his best to figure out the relationship between his coworkers, Louis and Harry, how exactly their friends Zayn and Niall are involved, and whether or not anyone will remember to put the caramel syrup back in its proper place. (Hint: they're all sleeping together and no, no one ever remembers.)


Summary #: 20
Fandom: Glee
Characters & Relationships: Blaine/Kurt/Sebastian
Rating: R/NC-17
Warnings/Content Notes: Explicit sex, vampires, bloodplay (between human/vampires)
Summary: Blaine, Kurt and Sebastian were mated vampires until an old enemy came back and killed Kurt. Years later, Blaine and Sebastian have moved on, although they still love him. When they find Kurt reincarnated as a high school student with no memory of him, they have to try to make him fall in love with them again while trying to protect him from the man who killed him before.

Summary #: 21
Fandom: Glee
Characters & Relationships: Artie/Tina/Mike (Martina), background Puck/Kurt/Finn
Rating: NC-17
Warnings/Content Notes: spoilers through Glee season 2. This is a companion fic to our We Might As Well Close Our Eyes story, but can totally be read independently.
Summary: Mike’s spent his life trying to avoid disappointing parental figures. That’s why, when Finn comes clean about dating Kurt and Puck, and Mr Schuester gets mad at him, Mike’s first instinct is to say he’s dating two people too. If he can spread out the disapproval, it’ll be less painful for Finn, who idolizes Mr Schue.
What he’s not expecting is for his fake boyfriend Artie to take him on a date, outside of school hours. What he’s not expecting is for his fake girlfriend Tina to think the three of them should have sex together. What he’s not expecting is to truly fall in love with a couple who have been his friends for eight months. And he’s certainly not expecting them to love him back.

From there it’s a matter of instinct. Tell Puck, who has a hundred and one ideas about what to do in bed. Don’t tell his best friend, who thinks sex is the price you pay for a spouse and kids. Drink a smoothie with Artie’s mom. Throw himself out of a window before his mom can ask him if he’s still single. Because if there’s one thing Mike’s learned in his time in Glee club, it’s that even if everyone has an opinion, only a select few really matter.

Summary #: 22
Fandom: White Collar
Characters & Relationships: Neal Caffrey, Peter Burke, Elizabeth Burke, Original Male Character (Asher Ben Gali), Satchmo Burke, Mozzie, June Ellington, Matthew Keller, Peter/Neal, Peter/Elizabeth, Peter/Elizabeth/Neal, Elizabeth/Neal, Elizabeth/OMC, Matthew/Neal (Past)
Rating: R or NC-17 (to be determined)
Warnings/Content Notes: Threats of physical violence, reference to past sexual and emotional abuse, non-canon animal death
Summary: A sequel to last year’s Poly BB fic. This picks up about two months after the end of that story. Peter, Elizabeth and Neal are slowly, delicately moving forward into an emotional and sexual relationship. Peter is dealing with the fallout from his injuries, Neal is learning how to trust again, and Elizabeth is discovering that she’s tired of being the strong one, and maybe needs a break.

Summary #: 23
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Characters & Relationships: Stiles/Derek; Stiles/Cora
Rating: E
Warnings/Content Notes: Lots of casual sex (and some sex that looks casual but really isn't), and underage drinking, and drunk sex. Possibly some recreational drug use, but no addictions (probs poppers/weed/maybeeee pills, okay pills). Reckless behaviour. And loneliness. I feel I should warn for that.
Summary: Stiles isn't sure how he ended up with a fuck buddy as hot as Derek, but he's even more unsure how to keep his thoughts clean around his really fucking cool (and really hot) sister.

When Derek pushes Stiles away because he thinks Stiles and Cora would be better for each other, Stiles has no idea what to do, or how to make a decision.

Summary #: 24
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Characters & Relationships: Lydia, Stiles, Derek with others making appearances; Lydia/Stiles, Derek/Stiles, Lydia/Derek/Stiles
Rating: NC17
Warnings/Content Notes: Notes: Set post Season 3a with all that happened there; graphic het and slash sex; Lydia pegging Stiles is about as kinky as it gets (so not much); little bit angsty in places.
Summary: After all that happened with the Darach and Alpha Pack, Derek leaves town without a word which kind of ticks off Stiles, but then there are water hags and goblins and visiting packs to deal with. While all this happens, Stiles and Lydia grow closer, she as his anchor for the darkness within him, he just thrilled she's talking to him, until the inevitable happens and they have sex then start dating (trust Stiles to do it backwards). Everything's great until Lydia's pegging Stiles and he cries out Derek's name, which intrigues Lydia and confuses Stiles. And then Derek returns and Lydia gets ideas. To her, Derek is obvious in his desire for Stiles, and vice versa. She's actually okay with it, intrigued by Derek herself and the idea of a threesome, but mostly she wants Stiles to be happy and to keep the darkness from affecting him, and if that means sharing, she'll be unselfish for the first time in her life. Plus, Derek is a major hottie.

Summary #: 25
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Characters & Relationships: Derek/Erica/Stiles, Background Jackson/Lydia
Rating: NC-17
Warnings/Content Notes: Sentinel/Guide bonding (and the consent issues that arise from that), AU from the end of Season 2, sexual content, canon level violence, humour and lots of geekiness.
Summary: The Alphas capture Stiles along with Erica and Boyd which sets off a chain reaction that no-one could have forseen. Spells are lifted, family secrets are revealed and Stiles suddenly finds himself as one side of a Triad. Not only that, but the Alphas have stuck around and now have their sights firmly set on Stiles and his new lovers.

Summary #: 26
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Characters & Relationships: Scott McCall; Stiles Stilinski/Allison Argent/Derek Hale
Rating: NC-17
Warnings/Content Notes: Implied (very mild) sex pollen, accidental cockblocking, everyone is alive for Reasons, even if they don't show up.
Summary: It's the first summer of college, the heat is high and there's nothing to do with half the pack still at school. So when the Sheriff asks Stilees, Scott and Allison to work with Derek to figure out what's going on with a sudden spate of near-drownings at a local lake, they're happy to leap in. Of course, in Beacon Hills there's no such thing as a nice, safe supernatural incident, and Allison, Stiles and Derek get caught in some fallout from questionable lake water. Or they would be caught, if Scott didn't have the worst timing in the history of werewolfkind.

Summary #: 27
Fandom: Fringe
Characters & Relationships: Alt!Olivia/Alt!Charlie/Alt!Lincoln
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/Content Notes: sad absence of porn.
Summary: Season 4 AU where Charlie isn’t married to Mona. A can of Amber 31422 has been stolen and is used against the population by terrorists who protest the Fringe protocol. As Olivia, Charlie and Lincoln try to stop them, they also have to deal with changes that force them to reevaluate their relationship.

Summary #: 28
Fandom: Fringe
Characters & Relationships: Olivia Dunham/Lincoln Lee, Olivia Dunham/Lincoln Lee/Nick Lane
Rating: T
Warnings/Content Notes: none.
Summary: Olivia and Lincoln find Nick again.

[Extended summary] Fringe season 4 AU. Olivia and Lincoln are romantically involved when Lincoln follows a hunch that leads him to his high school friend Nick Lane...who was paired with Olivia for the Cortexiphan experiments in Jacksonville when they were children. With Nick back in their lives, Olivia and Lincoln rediscover feelings they'd thought long left behind--and Nick's empathic ability makes his love for both of them undeniably clear. It would've been easy to dismiss their bizarre love triangle, but nothing's that simple in Fringe Division.

Summary #: 29
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
Characters & Relationships: Laura/Lee/Tom
Rating: NC-17 for smut
Warnings/Content Notes: Lots of smut. Anal sex. The last two chapters aren't done yet, I couldn't make them work in time.
Summary: Tom notices Lee is lost after Kara dies on New Caprica. For once, he decides to use this to his benefit and forms a plan for Fleet domination that involves starting a relationship with Lee. A few months into that relationship, they are caught in the act by Laura. She reminds Lee that he’s married to Dee, and Lee ends the relationship.

When Kara reappears and figures out that Lee’s still hung up on him, she encourages him to follow his… um… heart In the meantime, Tom has hooked up with Laura. When Lee catches them frakking, Tom convinces the others to just go for a threesome. Laura has doubts the very next day, but Tom and Lee’s boyish enthusiasm keeps her giving in to them.

Somehow, they manage to keep the three of them together through Baltar’s trial, Bill finding out, and the discovery of Earth.

Summary #: 30
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters & Relationships: Wincestiel (Dean/Cas/Sam)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings/Content Notes: Explicit, Non-con transformation/body mod/mind control/rape/murder, lots of non-con (but the relationship is consent). Bondage, BDSM, Barebacking, Knotting, Heat, Masturbation, Comeplay, Breathplay, Biting.
Summary: After a hunt for werewolves went wrong, the Winchesters now have to deal with the consequences. It's a good thing they have help of their angel friend.

Summary #: 31
Fandom: Gundam SEED
Characters & Relationships: Dearka/Yzak/Shiho
Rating: MA
Warnings/Content Notes: n/a
Summary: Shiho isn't going to say no to a free two week vacation at an ultra-ritzy resort. Of course, the vacation is with Yzak and Dearka and technically, she's still kind of working. And she doesn't even know how Yzak feels about her, which is fine because she's not entirely sure how she feels about him. It'd just be easier if they could decide what constitutes a date, who gets the bathroom when, and whether or not beer bottles are acceptable flower vases. But nothing is ever that easy - especially not when Dearka already seems to have claimed a space in Yzak's bed and Shiho finds herself distracted by both a handsome resort guest and an intriguing job offer.

Summary #: 32
Fandom: Leverage
Characters & Relationships: Parker/Alec Hardison/Eliot Spencer, Original Characters (talking foxes, a princess, a dragon, some anthropomorphic nightmares)
Rating: PG13
Warnings/Content Notes: Off screen murder, swears, established poly relationship, a little undue angst, and a lot of snark.
Summary: A silly fairy tale they didn't expect and a few lessons they weren't prepared to learn, and all because Parker thought she heard something in the closet. They rescue a dragon from a princess, spin straw into gold, get in fights with the locals, steal way more shit than they should, camp out under an heirloom quilt, and eat ice cream until they're sick.

round 5, !mod, !claims

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