It's a Posting Schedule!

Jan 05, 2012 17:36

Hey there! Have a posting schedule. It goes like so:

author, artist (fandom)

Posting starts 22 January and runs until 11 February with approximately 2 bangs posted per day. Please comment here or email the mods at ASAP if there are any problems or concerns with your post date.

Note to authors without artists! We're still working on getting something for everyone; don't fret!

22 January
sparrowshellcat, clex_monkie89 (Supernatural)
canaana, wilde_stallyn (Doctor Who)

23 January
elrhiarhodan, weaselett (White Collar)
unavoidedcrisis, deadflowers5 (Leverage)

24 January
tsukinofaerii, dirty_diana (Avengers)
queenmidalah, casper_san (Haven)

25 January
dr_jasley, youkeyh (Bandom)
pairatime, sexycazzy (The OC)

26 January
thunder_nari, roslindi (Supernatural)

27 January
daisysusan, chosenfire28 (The Social Network)
broken_moons, unfrosted_cake (Original)

28 January
rise_your_dead, entwashian (Burn Notice)
gala_apples, wilde_stallyn (Bandom)
flipflop_diva, amy1705fl (Grey's Anatomy)

29 January
silver_slashes, sparrowshellcat (The Covenant)

30 January
big_banggang, ordinaryink (CW RPF)
not_from_stars & enochiansigils, sexycazzy (Primeval)

31 January
cherie_morte, heard_the_owl (CW RPF)
melonbutterfly, waterofthemoon (Stargate Atlantis)

1 February
dazzledfirestar, salvadore_hart (Fantastic Four&Spiderman)
amproof, firefly1344 (Original)

2 February
beckaandzac, wutendeskind (Actor RPF)
wynkat, tresa_cho (Original)

3 February
afullmargin, casper_san (Psych)
murf1307, hapakitsune (X-Men)

4 February
monjinator, amy1705fl (White Collar)
sparrowshellcat, queenmidalah (Harry Potter)

5 February
sashataakheru, brynsspikes (Bandom)
ozqueen, sailorptah (Captain Planet and then Planeteers)

6 February
xsnarkasaurus, queenofthebobs (Original)
ladyjax, clex_monkie89 (Glee)

7 February
cards_slash, ordinaryink (CW RPF)
antistar_e, salvadore_hart (The Social Network)

8 February
dapatty & s0ckpupp3t, wilde_stallyn (Bandom)
crescent_gaia, chosenfire28 (Twilight)

9 February
casper_san, clex_monkie89 (Supernatural)
unavoidedcrisis, waterofthemoon (Leverage)

10 February
2_libras, hapakitsune (X-Men RPF)
enochiansigils, queenmidalah (Primeval)

11 February
pairatime (Buffy The Vampire Slayer)
shades_of_hades (Hockey RPF)
pettybureaucrat, lovesletyoudown (Harry Potter)

Holy, this was a lot harder to make than I thought it would be. :D

!mod, schedule, round 3

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