Writer's Check In #2

Oct 21, 2011 07:53

Okay everyone, time for check-in number two! Hope everyone is totally feelin' it. Are you feelin' it? I am! Or, I would be, but it's been raining since Saturday and I'm basically numb to feeling anything at this point. Brr.

Copy/paste the following form into a comment, fill it out, and please, don't hesitate to email the mods at polybbmods@gmail.com if you have any questions or concerns.

I know it seems like the deadline is flying up fast, but I promise there's still time to get awesome stories written. In fact, sign ups are still open if this is the first you're hearing of this. You can sign up here and get to work, if you still wish.

Excited to see everyone's check in totals this time (but that's okay if you're still behind! I am sure am).

User name:
Current Word Count:
Do you believe you're on track to finish by the draft submission deadline of 7th November?
Share a line or two, if you'd like!

What It's Going To Look Like

User name:
Current Word Count:
Do you believe you're on track to finish by the draft submission deadline of 7th November?
Share a line or two, if you'd like!

!mod, check in post, round 3

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