October Polyamory Events

Oct 02, 2015 07:47

What : Discussion Picnic Lunch
Topic : Relationship Support
When: Saturday, 3 October, 2015 at 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Where : Berea
Rain Venue : St Clements Restuarant,191 Musgrave Road
Note : Contact details on RSVP. RSVP Deadline Friday 2 October 2015
Hosted by : ZApoly
As long as there are RSVP's we will meet once a month to eat good food and talk to other polyamorous people. Polyamory is the practice, desire, or acceptance of having more than one intimate relationship at a time with the knowledge and consent of everyone involved. You don't have to be polyamorous to attend - just open minded and friendly. Meet poly folks, eat good food, talk. Bring something to eat and something to share. If raining, bring enough cash to cover your own food and drinks.
To RSVP, get directions and details on how to recognise the group, contact greenfizzpops, or join the group's Yahoo zapoly mailing list.

What : Discussion & Drinks
Topic : To Be Announced
When : Sunday, 25 October, 2015 at 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Where : Linden
Note : RSVP Deadline Friday 23 October, 2015. R30 cover charge
Hosted by : ZaPoly
Please come join us. The topic this time is "To Be Announced". The last Saturday or Sunday of every month there is a meet up for 2 hours where we discuss different aspects of polyamory and enjoy some drinks. Anyone can bring up their current joys & sorrows - and can benefit from being in the company of like minded individuals who can offer advice, support and insights from similar experiences. It's a relaxed environment for conversation and informed discussion. There is a R30 cover charge which goes towards the end of year social. This event depends on enough people RSVPing. Please ask on the zapoly mailing list for more details.
To RSVP, join the group's Yahoo zapoly mailing list and enquire.

For more info on polyamory in South Africa see http://www.polyamory.co.za
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