This is a post, a what? A post, a what? A post. Oh, a post!

May 16, 2011 19:12

Hi! My name is fullmetalkatu, and I am scared delighted very, very, very new here.

You know who's not new here? Kat. You might know her. She's been around for a while. :|a YOU CAN BLAME HER FOR MY PRESENCE.

No, but, in all seriousness, hi! I'm Katu (liiiiike I said previously) and I'm completely and totally new to Poly! I'm bringing Amal Chakravarthy from EK Weaver's webcomic, The Less Than Epic Adventures of TJ & Amal, which is about a dork and dandelion couple of guys who end up on a road trip and end up Having Shenanigans. You miiiight have seen me at ms_elegante once upon a time, I played everyone from Sokka to Damas from Jak and Daxter to Princess Tutu to Casey from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Movies there.

And yes.

So, uh, yeah! If you guys need me for anything, please feel free to ping me at beginbybeing, or at bonesmakenoise on Plurk-- and it's nice to meet you!

Please friend add notastepford!

A-also I won't be actually doing an IC intro until Kat gets TJ over here. 8|;;;;;;;;; Sorry!

intros, friend add

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