Mar 19, 2010 12:59
Because the Master always tops HEY! Okay, so I hear there have been a few people asking about wtf is going down, so I'ma do my best to explain.
I always designed stuff in the dinner plot with the idea in mind that it would give the PF something to do (poor dears) but I could also get the Master off, nearly scot-free. I didn't want to DESTROY his CR. Meaning: he...doesn't get booked. Sorry.
Plus, I didn't LEAVE enough evidence for a case, so, no matter HOW MUCH the idea of Priestly and Edgeworth facing off appeals to me (Edgeworth against another spiky-haired lawyer, yeah? Hey, and two P names and...I'll stop) I just DIDN'T LEAVE ENOUGH to build a case off of. Because, well. Even if Priestly gets the Master off, belabouring the point of him EATING PEOPLE is not going to go over well for his status in the community. He's a politician. Brush it under the carpet. At least he didn't do what Bill Clinton did, right?
So, basically, as far as I know, the police will try to build a case, not find enough decisive evidence, and be forced to release him (sorry, Ray, no planting anything on him. Well. You can try.) And then he'll go back to normal.
Any questions? I will do my best to answer them.
help help poliiiiiiiiiiice