Questions/plotting should now be posted to the community. More info
here. Questions about any aspect of the Police Force from nonmembers should go here (members, feel free to post to the community with questions/plotting and please use appropriate tags or Eri will explode!). Existing members should feel free to answer questions that are easy to help out on, but if you're really stumped let us know, it might be something that requires further discussion among the community!
If you are planning a crime or other villainy and you'd like to involve the Police Force, the community's posting access is open to any user, including those that are not members. Please use the form below to get you started on giving us information about plotting you have in mind and feel free to post it to the community. Don't forget to introduce yourself and your character as well!
Timeline: Start to finish - 3 days, 2 weeks, etc
Characters involved: (criminals/victims/bystanders/suspects/witnesses, etc) Each character involved must have been approved by the mun individually prior to listing them here.
Outcome/resolution: Jail, escape, parole, community service; essentially, will the character be caught and if so, what kind of punishment are you looking to inflict upon them?
Evidence: Think of this in terms of evidence to be submitted to a court if the City had one. What could they use to prove the character's guilt? What exists that you don't want the police to find or be able to use against the character?
If you've already plotted with one of the officers, that's fantastic! If the officer hasn't already posted to the community about it, it would help us if you let us know so that we don't get wires crossed and interfere with something you've set up.