ITP: terrible meme names, it was this or "the legal pimping meme".

Nov 02, 2011 22:24


i ) List either the characters you'd like to see apped or characters you're thinking about playing. Include reasons and links to Moments of Crowning Awesome at your leisure to convince people rusty / unfamiliar with them!
ii ) Read around and-well, discuss. Enable the people who need that extra push, talk about bringing your new canons or new characters! (Management takes no responsibility for injuries or kidnappings which arise as a result of this meme.)
iii ) Link it around, invite people outside the game who might be interested / considering an app if you like. The meme doesn't discriminate!
iv ) ???????
v ) ... pay your cut to the meme-maker-pimpin' ain't easy. :(

Note: For the sake of slow-loading browsers, please stick to reasonable font sizes and keep images in links or under collapsed threads!
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