(no subject)

Oct 13, 2011 00:19

Ladies. Gentlemen.

It's time. Again. And again. And maybe again thereafter!


o1. List your characters, one/comment!
o2. Reply to other characters with one/more of the hearts below, which are meant to save you from the tl;dr meme express your characters' honest opinions!
o3. Math 101: YOU + TAGGING EVERYONE EVER = DIVINITY OF CAKE-LIKE PROPORTIONS. Even if your character's only been around for a very short while, or if you can only comment with their first impressions -- do it! No reason not to have fun!
o4. Keep this in a separate tab, so you can have a reference without doing all the scrolling >>!

"I would kill you :)"

"I would physically or emotionally hurt you."

"I would like to get to know you better."

"I would spend time/have fun/be friends with you."

"I would rescue you/fight by your side."

"I would hug you or hold your hand."

"I would kiss you."

"I would date you."

"I would have sex with you."

"I would/could fall in love with you."

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