Okay guys. I’m going to challenge you. And this challenge is srs. In fact, I am going to take this moment to serious it up a little. This is a srs meme about your characters, and the affect the City has had on them psychologically, whether for better or for worse, specifically in the area of people coming and going
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Roxas... is probably the more affected of my two. He has less trust for the idea that anyone he knows is going to stay. (SEE: constant trips to the Hall of the Missing; it's not just because he likes the quiet!) The City's made him place even more importance on memory than he ever did before, though, and he just kind of goes ...:/ when people come back without remembering him. Being friends doesn't really change just because the other person forgot, which just makes it... worse somehow.
Tyki's been lucky in that the only person he knows who's left is the Mad Hatter, who bullied him in both his lives and was just a general pain all around. And when Hatter left, Road got his circus, which wasn't at all a downside. So, Tyki is only about as psychologically screwed up as he generally is. But I don't imagine that it'd have that much effect on him just because... he doesn't get attached all that much. He is very fond of humanity and he'd be sad to see a friend go, but he wouldn't be depressed for long.
But yeah. You move on and appreciate what you've got or you collapse in a pile of angst. Them's the picks, and for whatever reason, both of mine tend to go with the first.
Clearly this is a sign that she needs to talk to him more until he would be upset at her exit. :D
Willow is still trying to understand the fact that Roxas apparently has no heart or emotions or whatever, okay. Although now she's met Demyx, so. Who knows XD
O Willow.
Oh Tyki. You screwed up mofo. It's a Noah thing?
I agree. You really have two options with the City. Though at the same time, the first can be played out a couple different ways, but the first two that come to my mind is that they give themselves that time to really deal with the loss of their friend and take the time to be really sad and deal with that emotion...or maybe they give themselves an hour or two, and then say 'oh well, it's for the best' and bottle it up. Doumeki's more likely to do the second, for him (though he might do a mix of the two idk I'd have to think more on it), but I can see some optimistic characters (Ahiru, for example /steals Haley's character) taking the first route, and really accepting the emotion.
Maybe they should just go and never deal with emotions ever. Roxas thinks that's the cool way to go.
Sort... of... How I play him is that he's just hardwired to take pleasure in life first and foremost, with a side effect of "thinks of humanity as very weak." It's hard to get really attached to someone that way, and so far... it hasn't happened at all.
Oh Doumeki. I dunno, I'm pretty sure there's a third option of ostensibly ignoring it but secretly brooding for ages and ages! For the really emotionally unhealthy of the lot. :D
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