Over the past few years, while I've been dreaming about the synth and DAW (digital audio workstation) gear I'd love to get, I've also been thinking about some projects to put this gear to good use.
One of these projects is a collaboration with folks I know in the filk community. Many filkers are solo performers; the only time we get to play together is at the jam sessions at the end of filk cons. (There are some filk bands out there -- Urban Tapestry, Ookla the Mok, Toyboat, 19 Action News. But their members are geographically close together, and get to practice often.) And I remember the enjoyment and camaraderie I got from being in a band or ensemble; this dates back to high school. And the idea was developed: what if there was a loose amalgamation of filkers that got together on a semi-regular basis and performed as a group? And what if I led or organized the group?
And so, "Project X" was born. While that was the original working title of the concept, I think I'm going to keep it. It's an ongoing musical collaboration and experiment.
The structure, as I envision it, is silmilar to that of the Alan Parsons Project. While Alan and the late Eric Woolfson were the core members, the rest of the band members (if they could be called as such) rotated in and out for songs or albums.
What type of songs would we do? Since I don't have many original compositions at this time, we could start with cover versions of existing songs. There are several songs in popular music that have space or science-fiction themes -- songs that I've never heard performed by filkers. Many filkers are also fans of the space programs of various countries (e.g. NASA in the US). So these songs would fit right in within the contest of an SF or filk con. Examples:
* Klaatu, "Calling Occupants Of Interplanetary Craft"
* Alan Parsons, "So Far Away", "Apollo", "The Time Machine"
* Rush, "Countdown"
* Elton John, "Rocket Man"
* Styx, "Come Sail Away"
Then comes the challenging part: rehearsal. If we're geographically separated, how would we rehearse? Over phone lines, the Internet, or Skype? We'd obviously share music, notes and MIDI files via email or social media.
And of course, I have a history of ambitious projects that never get realized -- song ideas that never developed into full songs, things I said I'd like to do and never get around to doing them.
My current goal -- and I realize the date is fluid or "carved in wet clay" -- is to have a concert slot at OVFF next year (in 2015).