"Hey ya got something right here..."

May 26, 2006 18:00

Did the contract on my new house say anything about limitations to what I can do? What I can have? When the space/time continum (SP?) will be altered to give me what I want but try to take everyhting else away? Sounds like babble. Just really mad right now. I feel like a young child about to have a temper tantrum. Someone give me a toy dumptruck so I can spike it to the ground it protest.

Can't have DirectTV at my new house because there is no line of sight to get the signal. The neighbors trees are in the way. Sucks.

Midnight mission to cut the neighbors tree down?

Neighbor: "Hey Marsha?! The tree is down in the back yard!"
Polotono: "What happened?"
Neighbor: "The tree fell down."
Polotono: "Bummer. Might have been that wind storm last night?"
Neighbor: "There was no storm. And... oh my God! Looks like the bottom was cut away."
Polotono: "Dude! You are infested with beavers. Ya know that have a spray for that now."

So the only alternative now is to trudge my ass back to Adelphia. It's bad enough I have to go with their hideously overpriced high speed internet service. Can't have Verizon DSL like my old place because there is no central office (switching station) activity in the area. ::sigh:: What's wrong with them? Price and service. Are there any others. Prices are so bad they don't even post them on the internet for potential customers to see. They play the AOL game where they are there and you have to deal with it.

The good news is I can get past the moving weekend and still enjoy some holiday before beginning the "Road to Ragnarok".

My recommendations for Adelphia's new slogan:

"Adelphia: What else are you gonna do with the neighbors tree blocking you dish signal?"
"Adelphia: Sure we're expensive but someone has to pay for our ex-CEO's mistakes"
"Adelphia: When ya just can't have a dish. Sucker."
"Adelphia: Cuz lake effect storms just happen"
"Adelphia: We'll schedule an appointment that conveinent for us"

Aside from it all we officially move in tomorrow.
Sunday, Dagorhir!
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