Jun 15, 2010 10:14
this ones a little hazy but here is what i remember. i was at a ranch out in the middle of nowhere. i got there by zooming into it from a satellite picture like google earth. on the ranch i was hiding out from the police because of the graffiti crimes that i had committed. while i was there i was hanging out with matt with red hair and i cant remember what happened but he didn't really do anything that bad, i dont remember what he did but i got really pissed at him and just started stabbing him. i didn't stab him anywhere that would kill him because i knew i was overreacting and i didn't want to hurt him that bad but i did stab him about ten times in the arms legs and face. i felt so bad for it in the dream but i couldn't help myself i just flew into a rage after i was done ezekeil walked into the cabin and was like what the fuck whats going on here. he didn't know what to do and i didn't really explain what was going on here but there was an awful lot of blood here and matt was covered in it. i made him wash off in the sink and promise not to tell anyone. i kept saying that i didn't know why i did that and i hope we are cool and stuff. he was really cowed and didn't say much, just kept his head down and washed off. he kept trying to leave and go home but i wouldn't let him because i thought he might go to the police so i made him stay to hang out. we watch a movie about what just happened and Stargate mixed together and while we are watching it i Google stabbing dreams to find out what that meant. the article that came up said that stabbing your friend in a dream was usually about something in real life that was fucked up lashing out at you but you cant do anything about it so in your dream you stab someone when your emotions flare up. that made a lot of sense to me because of the whole school payment thing that happened that day in the waking world. i couldn't do anything about it because of whatever ( next post). i cant remember what happened after that but i was outside and pruitt comes running up and tells me that the government has tried my tea and they love it plus they are ordering a huge amount and want to put it into production. obviously this solves all of my money problems even though in the back of my mind im still a little worried about matt leaving. so i make up some tea and put it on the red train that goes through the property. it kind of looks like the metro rail but small and shitty like the train at the zoo or the carnival, also its being driven by the fat ass whole who teaches at my school. away the tea goes but bloody matt is still there and he is talking to my friends in a circle. when i walk over they all stop talking, it was obviously about me. cant remember what happens at this part but later we are going to the veterinarian school which is taught by the old lady cpr teacher. she takes us to a holding pen where she says are panthers. i go in first but the panthers are really three toed sloths. (sooo goofy looking ill draw one later) big over bite and big teeth the one with coloring like a German Shepard is crawling over my head eating my dandruff and the one with long white fur is really liking pruitt but all the others seem to really like me in particular. i cant really remember that much after this but i just remember that as cute as the sloths were they kept telling me that they have six inch claws that can rip you up just like that knife