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raitala I planned to do four Merlin rec posts for Rectober, and by jingo, I'm going to jolly well get it done...
Long Fic
Gadarene by
unpossible I'm trying to rec lesser known fics but I had to kick this off with my favourite Merlin fic of all time. Beautifully written, perfectly characterised, stunningly plotted; I literally can't say enough good things. It's wonderful.
The Spoils of War by
Clea2011 Short and perfectly realised fic about a Camelot where Merlin’s taken over, and is a very uneasy captor to a furious Arthur. The worldbuilding here is exquisite for a 2k fic.
Unbreakable by
eight_of_hearts Gen fic in which Morgana enchants Arthur into an abusive bully, and Merlin bears the brunt of it. Lots of good whump and h/c.
Skin Deep by
PlaneJane In which Merlin has dry skin and Arthur helps him out and I melt and die of cute every time I read it...
The One Where Merlin Is Terrible At Sex And Arthur Is Hopelessly In Love by
Angelike I’m sure we’ve all read this but treat yourself and read it again because hopeless virginal Merlin and pompous but good hearted Arthur are perfectly hilarious here.
Wishes on Dandelions by
seasalticecream32 This is hot off the press and brilliant! Gwaine’s a werewolf and thinks Elyan’s way too nice and normal to be with him... but fate plays a hand. Really lovely and nicely told.
Travel My Way, Take the Highway by
sophinisba Evocative and tender short fic about Morgana and Gwen travelling across America in the fifties to escape Uther and the law. Powerful and full of gorgeous images.
Round the Table Once More by
qwerty If you like Merlin in a cheerleading outfit (and why wouldn’t you?) and toppy, possessive Arthur, please enjoy this sexy little fic with a neat reincarnation twist.
Mother by
TheHatMeister Sparsely constructed and full of beautifully restrained emotion, this is a short AU in which Merlin is created in a lab and longs to find a family.