May 25, 2017 23:26
Did not even recall that the last time I posted was in relation to the proposal. It's been so long since I've written that this feels rather foreign.
So in the time that has past, we've gotten married on 18/6/16 and... It's been almost one full year since then! I'm still amazed at how fast time has flown by. Honestly it somehow does not feel like a year at all. But since it is what it is, perhaps its time for some pondering and reflections.
What a journey it has been, uprooting myself from two places I have known my whole life - home, and church. It wasn't easy, but it wasn't terribly hard either. I've blessed to be married into the nicest family. I'm proud to say i truly love my in-laws, father mother sister brother nephew all counted in. Just spent that day making ba zhangs with my mom-in-law. I am extremely well-fed here too, and not so proud to say that I have grown sideways with all the regular breakfast outings multiple times a week and and high-level home cooked food that gets warmed up for me even when I come home at 9 or 10 or 11pm.
I definitely miss home a lot, but CY has been really kind to drive me back every single week and stay there till late hours just so I can spend time talking to mom, dad, Amos, and Tookie. I guess a part of me knows that this is part and parcel of growing up. That its time for me to leave the nest to start growing my own.
Married life has been mostly lots of fun. We just get to do so many more things together :) and God willing even more in the years to come. Of course it isn't a walk in the park either - to listen when you don't feel like it, to being in close proximity with someone when you feel like being alone, to consciously love when all you want to do is to say something nasty, to forgive even though your heart screams no. Older folks weren't kidding when they said marriage is hard work, and I know its only gonna get harder. But at the very root of it, is God, and Agape. And that's the strongest, most unbreakable bond that ties us together.
All that being said, I always need to learn how to love everyone around me more. It can be a struggle, sometimes I do wonder why I am not made to be inclined to love more by nature. Praying for more empathy and action in my life, to actually reach out to people around me and make an impact rather than just standing by watching.
I am also thankful for AMKMC, the PoP cell and the tuition outreach ministr that I am blessed to serve in right now. It has been a long while since I had a proper cell group to study God's word and fellowship closely with. I guess I started drifting away from people in church after 'graduating' from KSS (although I wish it were otherwise), so it is really refreshing and joyful to have a community that CY and I can grow and mature with. Praying for an even more open heart and mind to experience God in ways that I never thought possible.
It's been a year of firsts, and I think there are gonna be a lot more firsts to look forward to :)