May 15, 2003 11:54
I can't believe none of my friends have dumped me. I love you all. I expected to have no friends list after being gone for so long.
I just lost my breakfast so I should be good for a few minutes of computer time.
I went to a midwifery conference with one of my midwives/preceptors, L. I didn't want to go (it involved flying) due to the fact that I have recently lost the will to live but I ended up having a great time and really bonding with L. I can't say I learned anything but I had a good time and got a nice break. I will say that childbirth was a lot more interesting before I was going to be doing it. I had a fully medical birth with Max, complete with the blissfully numb epidural so this will be new to me. While I was gone my morning sickness was at half mast but as soon as I came home it returned, go figure.
I caught the baby's heart rate with my doppler this morning, that was neat. I will now commence obsessive searching because it is so much fun when you finally find it. It's hard to find 'em when they're only the size of a grape. Ronnie seems more excited about it than I am but of course he is not the one who is pregnant or who has to give birth and then have no life for 2 years.
I'm a cup is half empty type of gal today.