too Drunk to be Nice

Sep 07, 2005 13:01

I dont like getting drunk nemore, it makes me a fucking irratating ikle grl that pisses the most important people in the world to me off and fall over lots and lots and lots, and i have a sneaky suspicion im dum and mean when pissed. Think the ikle "time to stop" switch in my head had fused and i must carefully craft another by conrtoled and steady drinking...akin to a stroll in a meadow. If anybody does catch me drinking again...ever...they have my full peremission to lock me in a cuddly toy shop, or replace meh aighs with a suitably flavoured cordail (not the greenkind, mabbe nice elderflower). If neone sees ime in a drunken state please put me in a sack of bricks and drown me for my own good. I wont press charges

Currently in very concerned still about Lottie. She dissapeared last night...but it think mabbe she was walking ahead of me and i dissapeared back the way we'd come to look for her but i did look and couldnt see her. Im hoping she had an amazing shag and is being all creative in college right now, and is not in anyway hurt or shaken up or comming down too hard. She hasnt had her phone on since i lost her last night and i wont kno for sure till she puts it on.
*bites nails away*

i need to curl up next to someone(Aidi obv) warm
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