That's not at all how I see it but of course we all see things based on our own views and typically don't give leeway to the other side. She wasn't just defending the jewelry, she was defending the vow. To pretend she wasn't is just silly because she didn't say the rings are awesome and pretty. She defended them because they stand for something. If they didn't stand for something then Russell Brand wouldn't have made a joke and she wouldn't have responded. How easy it must be to be him and to make his joke but how much hard it is for them to actually live their vow (if they do or don't I don't know but I know/knew many who did). Russell Brand took his joke to the extreme stating the Jonas Brothers could have sex with any woman and she took hers to the extreme by implying that if you didn't wear them you were a slut...though I honestly think she was flying off the cuff and didn't think the statement out just wanted to defend them. A far cry from a planned joke about someones beliefs. But hey its funny to mock Christians. Of course if they did follows Russell Brand's advice and had sex with all the women they could then ya even in my opinion they'd be man sluts. Everyone has different beliefs. People get all pissy when Christians dare assert theirs. If I were there and in Jordan Sparks position then I would've said something similar. He could've joked about the rings without going so extreme and so could she. Who you chose to side with all depends on your views in the end. In this instance having no knowledge of Russell Brand and not having found him to be funny on the VMA's then putting down a vow that even I made...ya um I'm not on his side.
Then sweetie throw your wedding ring in the trash because it stands for a vow too. Your vows exist with or without the ring but its a lovely reminder of all that it stands for. At the end of the day I wore the ring as reminder of my vow. In the end I didnt wear it anymore just because I didn't feel I needed it anymore. Theres a variety of things we can say is just mere propaganda but how you chose to live your own life has little to do with the initial purpose. The USA chant and a variety of patriotic songs are nothing but mere propaganda of a strong and unbeatable nation but I sing them with pride all the while realizing we're definitely not perfect. I dont think its much to ask to respect people aren't so stupid as to see beyond the mere idea of a "ring" and into its deeper meaning. Or do I seem that stupid too? Because if you're a slut just because Jordan Sparks said it then I guess I'm just an idiot who abides by propaganda.
Jordan Sparks position then I would've said something similar. He could've joked about the rings without going so extreme and so could she. Who you chose to side with all depends on your views in the end. In this instance having no knowledge of Russell Brand and not having found him to be funny on the VMA's then putting down a vow that even I made...ya um I'm not on his side.
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