Feb 19, 2017 17:54
things i hate reading on the internet:
- the word "fandom"
- "as a person who..." no. "as someone who has..." stop. "as a mother/father/gamer/blogger/whatever..." shut up.
- "well actually..." i will end you.
- clickbait titles. even just the titles are enough to make me wanna punch my screen.
- literally anything from buzzfeed and similar websites
- goths arguing about what is/isn't goth, goth history, "emo is not goth," "well actually (double retch) x band is post-punk" holy fucking shit please stop you stale, crusty old biscuit.
this post was brought to you by a small number of peeves that have been ruminating in my brain for a few months now and need to be ejected like a fucking kidney stone.
the internet