Still touchy. but i'm pretty sure it's PMS

Oct 08, 2012 09:43

five days off to relax and refocus. the shrink gave some reading homework on bias thinking patterns, and i stumbled upon sound meditation,again. i had found this stuff back in 2007, but had forgotten about it. out of all of the freqeuncies i heart the OM one the best. placebeo effect? perhaps,but at this point i'm willing to try anything.effective? DEEEEP sleep, twice i passed out on my keyboard. i should have taken a picture of my face. one thing is for sure, although i'm still "sensitive" i remember where my centre is, and am able to return there quicker. so i downloaded a few to listen to on teh way to work. it's a 45 minutes bus ride and to start the day off at a lower base level will be most helpful.
in other news , today i get my first tattoo in years. yay. time to shower and pack up the car.
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