On Friday i was diagnosed with RR-PTSD. and started the first part of the treatment, zoloft. The talking therapy will start on the 22nd but it's sure nice to know that A) i was right, there was something going on up here * knocks on head*. ( add a silent "f.u." to the nay sayers who thought i was being silly when i started to get worried). B) While it's not a happy fun time in my life right now and about to get worse before getting better, it's just temporary. C) i'm scared of what i'm about to face. D) i still love dubstep (i said it again) and E) i'm looking forward to meeting me at the end of this process. I like the true me and so do others, although my behaviours can make that tough at times i realize now. one of the plus sides to treatment is those behaviours should diminish.i'm looking forward to that. i like to think of it as putting myself through a giant sifter and what comes out will be the best of me. Me 2.0.
Kiss with a fist: