Is it like a survey? Cause I LIKE SURVEYS!
Housekeeping A to Z (courtesy of
aprons - y/n?
I have a few, mostly vintage. I love to wear them and when I do, I never want to take them off, partly because they cover what I consider the most unsightly area of my body. My only issue is that my vintage aprons all seem to be be waist-down only - in order to really keep from messing up my clothes, I need the ones that cover my boobage too.
Also, I'm a huge fan of housedresses. I love those!
baking - y/n?
Yes. Last Saturday I baked 2 loaves of bread (brown bread and pumpkin bread) as part of my procrastination of starting Easter dinner foods.
clothesline - y/n?
Yes, but not in the winter. I have a clothes rack for the cold months. Most of my clothes (a lot of polyester) can't go in the dryer anyway.
donuts - ever made them?
everyday - one homemaking thing you do everyday?
Make coffee? Make dinner (usually).
freezer - do you have a separate deep freezer?
Yes - best. purchase. ever. It's a half-size chest freezer, similar to this but without the drawer:
garbage disposal - y/n
Yes - We only use it to wash down the gook from doing dishes, otherwise we compost our scraps. <<< Likewise.
handbook - y/n?
What's a handbook?
ironing - love it or hate it?
Ok, I must tell you of a conversation with my grandmother last summer when she was visiting, after she mended a pair of Jeremiah's slacks:
Nanny: I ironed them for him too.
Holly: Oh, that was nice of you.
N: When you iron, do you iron the pleats down the front?
H: I don't iron.
N: Whaddya mean you don't iron?
H: I don't iron.
N: Do you have an iron?
H: We own one, I'm not sure where Jeremiah keeps it.
N: Well, who irons Jeremiah's shirts and slacks?
H: Jeremiah does.
N: Well, who irons your clothes?
H: I don't buy clothes that require ironing.
N: Well, what if your husband didn't know how to iron?
H: That's why I married a military man; they teach them to do all that stuff for themselves.
She was baffled, but after the "military man" comment, she shut up, seeing as she's all about the military men.
Carry on.
junk drawer - where is it?
I have more than a few.
kitchen - design and decorating?
kitchen is chrome and diner theme. Color theme is red, white, blue, and chrome.
love - what is your favorite part of homemaking?
mop - y/n?
with 2 cats, 2 dogs, and hardwood floors, it's hardly avoidable.
nylons - wash them by hand or in the washer?
In a delicates bag in the washer... if they last past one wearing, which they rarely do. I'm the queen of runs.
oven - do you use the window or open it to check?
pizza - what do you put on yours?
Depends if it's junk-food pizza or homemade pizza.
Junk food pizza: pepperoni, mushrooms, black olives, and sliced tomato
Homemade: fresh mozzerella, fresh garlic, fresh basil, proscuitto, and ricotta... and maybe some mushrooms and/or olives
quiet - what do you do during the day when you get a quiet moment?
what does that word mean, "quiet"? I guess I sleep.
recipe card box?
yes. big one.
style of house?
brick Victorian.
tablecloths and napkins - y/n?
Mostly just for company.
under the kitchen sink
Cleaning supplies, trash bags, white vinegar
vacuum - how many times a week?
HA! Depends how much the dog is shedding that week.
wash - how many loads do you do a week?
I like to wait till it all piles up, then spend the whole day with my washer and dryer. Which reminds me...
x’es - do you keep a list of things to do and cross them off?
I have a list of lists so I can keep track of them! <<< ME TOO!
yard - who does what?
Even Steven.
zzz’s - what is your last homemaking task for the day?
Throw dirty laundry downstairs and (sometimes) wipe out the bathroom sink.