Me: Let's go on a date tomorrow.
Him: Uh, okay. What do you want to do?
Me: I don't know.
Him: Let's go to Berkeley, I have to return a book.
The thought didn't over-excite me, but the formula, Richard+City always equaled something interesting. So, off to Berkeley we went. University Ave, with its endless sari shops called to me, and we made a quick stop to purchase some exquisite silk- ten yards at a shop going out of business set me back $20.
The garage was dirty and cramped and a foretaste of the streets surrounding the campus. Though I knew Arcata as a smaller, less brain intensive version of Berkeley, I was still surprised at the resemblance, with its tie-dyed t-shirt stands and the gaudy, unimaginative jewelry displays, I felt right at home. At least, the part of home I was glad to have left long ago.
One of the things Richard and I have in common is a love for libraries. The homes of possibilities, libraries are filled with promises of adventure, hope and the unexpected, and yesterday was no exception.
On entering and seeing the circulation desk, I realized that Gramma's picture might be in an old year book. Not knowing the date of her time there, I wasn't ready to pursue it, but it did make me realize that much of what I was seeing was her old stomping grounds. With that, it meant that I was not only seeing Richard's college years, but Gramma;s, as well. There are many places on the Berkeley campus that have changed very little from the time Gramma walked the grounds.
The first stop was the Bancroft Library. The pictures tell the story much better than I could, especially if you imagine Gramma sitting, standing or walking in these areas that are almost unchanged since her days there.
Upstairs in a quiet spot.
research space
The next one is the reading room--
and then outside, Richard pointed out the very long bench and told me it has been there forever. The long one used to be the senior men's bench while the smaller one belonged to the women.
The last picture is of the South Hall-- the oldest building on campus.
I never know what to expect on a day with Richard, but this one was a lovely surprise. He told me what he knew of the history and traditions that have been in place since forever at this school, and he told me of his days there, as well. When we were done and tired, a visit to the near by Vietnamese restaurant was a perfect end.