At midnight on Sunday, the change occurs. I was just lying down on my too-small bed in my hut when, in a sudden blur of disorientation, I find myself somewhere else. It's another hut, and there's swords on the wall but, most importantly, I'm in my body again. I let out a big sigh of relief. "Oh, thank God!"
I looked around. This must be Percy's hut
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The morning after I'd slept with Renny hadn't been anything like this. We'd woken up, holding each other, but we didn't say a word. It wasn't a night that I'd wanted to take back, but there was still a sense that we'd crossed a line we should not have. Renny had quietly slipped out of bed, and I kept my eyes away, and the sheets up to my neck as he dressed, and then left the bedroom to give me privacy.
None of that sense here. I push the sheet down slightly to get a better view of his skin, and him a better view of mine.
"I could get used to this," I whispered.
"You know," I said, softly, "we do this often enough, it's not called a sleepover."
"He's a good friend for you," I said. Then, I added, carefully, "Would he object... if you were here... lots of nights?"
But maybe this was something we'd have to deal with tomorrow, as opposed to today. Until then, I could just enjoy this.
"So," I said, lightly. "Will you be staying with me tonight? Or tomorrow night?"
My eyebrows stayed up when he asked about Daddy. That's who he was worried about?
"I don't think he'd flip," I said, seriously. "Sure, it might be a little awkward, but... He knows we're dating. I told him." I thought about telling Zell that I'd hoped the three of us could get together for a meal, but I decided to set that aside, for now. IT would make Zell feel too uncomfortable, and it would sidetrack me.
"Look," I said, "even if we were back at my home, and Mother and Daddy learned what we were doing, they'd accept it. I'm old enough to make my own choices, and this is what I choose to do. My family doesn't believe in locking up their daughters. Here, Daddy's a year older than me. I really don't think he'd try."
But then I match his smirk, and press up closer to him. The teasing and the nudity makes me daring. "But I guess we'll just have to take every available opportunity, won't we?"
I press up closer to him, put my arms around him, and kiss him, deep.
Beside us, the box of condoms waited.
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