Trade offs

Feb 19, 2011 18:45

"Eat food, not too much, mainly plants"

That's simple enough, but then we start to think about eating locally. THen there is the idea of eating sustainably produced food. I've always been one to try to move in the right direction, and not get too caught up in doing everything right. I'm curious about how others decide when faced with trade offs and compromises. I thought I would just lay out a few that I deal with.

Yesterday I bought some organic peanut butter. The ingredients were peanuts and salt. Okay that's food, it comes from plants, but although the peanuts were grown in the US, peanuts aren't grown commercially in my home state of MD.

Organic bananas are not just a great source of potassium for my family, their skins are also a great source of potassium for my compost pile. Not grown locally, probably not raised sustainably, but food and plant criteria is met.

Rice is another staple of our diet that is trucked in to Maryland, as is our whole wheat pasta, quinoa, and a host of other food products. So what do you all think?
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