I'm handing out candy for the kiddles today. There's Glosette Raisins in the variety pack, which suck, so I feel bad giving them out to the kids. But if I don't give them out, I'm gonna get shafted with them.
So if the kids ring the doorbell, they're getting Raisins. If they knock, they get the good chocolate. Life isn't fair, but that's the way I'm gonna do it.
They can't complain really. Even Glosette Raisins are better than the potato I got one year. That's right, a fawking potato.
Rob Babcock is a jackass. He's always been a jackass, but they just had him on The Score for an interview and he totally sounded and looked like a jackass. Sonofa...
Nanowrimo starts tomorrow. I'm gonna do my own thing this year, but try to keep up in the forums. I really liked my novel from last year, so I'm going to build on that and try and develop it into a full novel. The Nanoedmo challenge really didn't help me as much as I thought, so I hope this will work out better.
Good luck to anyone trying it. And if you don't know what I'm talking about, National Novel Writing Month, check it out here: