Aug 21, 2004 21:18
sorry ppl i know i dont ever update and i know you guyz prolly dont even check this anymore.... tear* tear*
well i will update now i guess..
well latest news
me and paul started going out, our anniversary, yes i do know the date, :p
AUG 3 and 4
extreme conflicts between me and daniel.... i wanted to kill him then... he called me arrogant
by the way paul, arrogant offends me too
i think AUG 14, saturday
matt's little get together at hulda cruks park, a park nobody knows cuz we are all redlanders
AUG 15 i believe
paul and me and lor and eric went both couple's first movie, the little black book, he hated it, it did suck
AUG 16
band camp started
its not that bad
AUG 20
went to the movies with paul, lor, eric and supposely some people form guard but we split. paul paid for my drink because he is awesome! awesome is my new word! it was prolly the best movie i have ever been to cuz paul was there to make me happy, plus it WAS funny. oh yeah the movie was without a paddle.
AUG 21
sitting here updating and also wrote biography for english, slept a total of 12 hours, and dreamt about paul and daniel for some odd reason the night before. cant remember the dream tho..
car wash i dont wanna go.... i wanna relax.....
more band camp.... sigh
yeah i know not the most enthsiastic post but i am not very enthusiastic right now either ;p
if paul is reading this, i luv ya cuz you rock
if daniel is reading this, ya know ya talk a lot
if i read this, y the hell am i reading my own post
i sound so unhappy
i am actually not that unhappy right now, it was a pretty good day
well anywayz
overall that is what has been going on in my life...
PAUL! wanna hear something funny? for our guard show we are planning on tying our hair in two braided buns!
i am gonna look soooo bad but it will be entertaining :)
well that is all