Nov 05, 2004 11:55
you republicans need to get over yourself.. i'd like to see the way you and bush woulda acted if you lost... at least kerry is CLASSY and isn't a sore loser... he was the better man. he took it like a REAL MAN. you should just be like okay bush won okay great... instead of taking it to an immature level..ive dealt with it... of course i still wish kerry would have won, but im not gonna complain about it anymore. i'm tired of hearing yeah democrats shove it up your ass & all the anti kerry/democrat talk. seriously. get over it. grow up. shut it. is that how bush would you want to talk? so much for a unified nation. half this country was actually rooting for kerry in case you forgot, half this country hates bush... now we are all fighting against eachother..i predict another civil least im keeping my mouth shut from now on and being hopeful about bush and hopefully he will make the right descion in sending our troops HOME where they belong!.....enough of this. im over it. and yes im a part of this country...but that doesnt make me consider myself american. i didnt choose to live here. im italian. jesus christ. and shoot my dad should totally run for president in 2008. he's the smartest man i know, and he's good at making speeches... i mean psh it's his job... unlike SOMEONE we all know & love... ;x & click on scores & it'll tell you throughout the game....although i know we are gonna win :D
from now on some of my entries will be FRIENDS ONLY. and ill state this once again for the last time, if you dont like me, my views or dont wanna read about my emo life then simple as 1 2 3 DONT READ IT. NO ONE IS FORCING YOU TOO. THIS IS MY SAFE HAVEN. DEAL WITH IT. if your gonna pick someone apart, and degrade them to the fullest, you better make sure your damn there perfect.