(no subject)

Mar 20, 2005 13:15

sooo last night. the wedding was nice but the reception was awesome, it was by far the best wedding reception i've ever been to. There was a live band and an open bar, oh yah. Sooo I had some champagne and a little bit of ammaretto sower then.... i danced lol then i went back to the bar with someone else bc i was going to split an amaretto sower with her bc i didnt want a whole one (bc i didnt want to get a little drunk since i had to ride home with the parents) but for some reason when she ordered it they asked her for ID even though jenna had just ordered one and they gave it to her and jenna does not look older than then the one they asked ID for. It made me unhappy bc those things are really good. So anyway there were drunk people there, poor Charlie had to be the designated driver for her family lol. When I got home i went straight to bed, I was tired then I had to go to church this morning when I really would have preferred to stay in bed. Oh well. Hopefully someone else gets married soon so we I can go to there reception lol, but that one is gonna be hard to top.

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