Feb 04, 2018 17:28

I can't believe it's February already. January just zoomed on by. Hubby and I were supposed to host a small Super Bowl party, but it's pretty crappy out and we just want to spend the evening with company. Also, his mom was trying to manipulate the whole situation, so it ended up not being a no go. I don't think I've ever mentioned this since I've been with my hubby, but there are times where I don't care for my mother-in-law. She was basically trying to control who we would invite to our apartment. Hubby wanted to invite his cousin and boyfriend only because they're pretty cool to hang out with, but his mom decided to extend the invitation to his aunt and uncle (his cousin's parents). At first we didn't mind, but as the week went on his mom and aunt were being super demanding about ordering seafood and for us to pay for 100% of the meal. Hubby woke up this morning and told me that he was just going to send everyone a text saying that he wasn't feeling well, which was sort true because he had a headache from their demands. That ended that dilemma. Hopefully, they're able to order seafood and pay for it themselves. We're just going to order pizza and enjoy each others company.

I brought Lost Sphear on the Nintendo Switch with some leftover Christmas money. I played on Friday for about two hours and I can definitely say it's a step up from it's predecessor, I am Setsuna. Don't get me wrong, I liked I am Setsuna and the character design, but the snowy theme was a bit old and annoying. I also like the fact that you can move faster by foot on the world map in Lost Sphear. That was my pain point with I am Setsuna. I felt like you had to walk forever to get your destiniation. If I drop Lost Sphear for any reason, you can interact with your party members to figure out where you're supposed to go unlike when I dropped I am Setsuna for a month and had to the start the game over because I had no clue where I was supposed to go. I'm not big into using strategy guides or youtube to figure things out in games maybe except for with Legend of Zelda (because reasons). I prefer to play my games blind.

Other than that, not much else is going on. If you follow me on Instagram, I'm sewing up a storm if you want to follow my progress there.

video game: lost sphear, family, life

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