well yesterday I posted pics of Ranger, a 3 month old pup. today I had to file an incident report because he bit me and broke skin. unfortunately I have been told one daily volunteer in particular has been encouraging rough housing with him, letting him tug on her hair and clothes and encouraging it. I've known this dog since he was just two weeks old and in the past two weeks he has gotten really mouthy. this week he really just... couldn't calm down and went for my jeans to play tug of war and wasn't listening to commands that just last week he obeyed. he grabbed my jeans, and my leg. and I bled and it hurt.
I'm ok. I'm surprised it took me this long to be bit volunteering. he was considered a good walker for beginner handlers and now I would categoriZe him as advanced. either way by law since he broke skin they have to quarantine him for 10 days in case he has rabies
which he doesn't. he is fully vaccinated. it wasn't an aggressive move just rough housing and being nutty because he was excited. I cried when I left because well now he gets just his potty walks for 10 days. which might just make his behavior worse. but I couldn't not say anything because 1) what if I get an infection... and 2) he could bite a little kid. and left unchecked he could even go home to a family and hurt someone.
they said they've had several comment cards filled out about his behavior this week but I'm the only one he broke skin with so it was already something they were working on. he did a number on my nametag which I wear on a lanyard.
poor Ranger. he's already 45-55 pounds I am guessing at just 3 months . he is unruly and a handful but today he really caught me off guard. I feel like it's my fault but I know it's not. I can't be there every day anyway... super bummer.
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