Oct 16, 2008 21:55
Today was okay. I attended Hunger rehearsal (the show opens tomorrow, aie!), learned some French IPA symbols, baked cookies for Hunger, stopped people from eating the cookies, and, oh yeah, I can't go see Oklahoma! at Muhlenburg for $5, say the parents. Fricking sucks. Since JJ already paid for me to go, and I'll be paying her back. WTF. Whatever.
Germans are going home tomorrow. I have wrapped my going-home gift for my exchange -- Shakespeare and mix tape -- and will bring it in tomorrow. The last thing they're doing in Bethlehem, PA is coming to see Hunger. Cool, non? Oh, but Brundibar tomorrow. And Joshua isn't staying with me, which sucks a) because I like him coming to rehearsal and b) I may very well be alone for the hour and a half between Brundibar and Hunger. (I am officially involved in the show, now, as Sound Op. I have three cues. I know, incredible. I was going to be Master of the Projector (That would have been my title too. I would have seen to it.), but there probably won't be a projector, due to unseen difficulties and not having a firewire.
Oh, and embarrassing moment in rehearsal today. I was in the booth with the SM and Light Op, and we were talking about my job on the show. I meant to say something like "I'm doing the projector," and for God knows what reason, my brain screwed up the words coming out of my mouth, so I said "I'm doing the director." It was the biggest facepalm moment I've had in a while, and Light Op was laughing quite hard; it was particularly funny because the director is my boyfriend. (Side note: to clarify, I am not doing the director. Thank you, and goodnight.)
shows: hunger,
shows: brundibar,
german exchange students,