OK: Twilight

May 08, 2008 17:20

This is mostly a Twilight post. The Twilight stuff will be behind the cut, and below that is non-Twilighty things.

I ought to preface this with these words: I really do like Twilight. A lot. I don't know why, but I do. Probably for the same unknown reasons I love Sound of Music. I am harsh toward Twilight things here, and speaking freely. If you don't like that...get over it.


I am a fandom kind of girl. I live for the Harry Potter fandom, I dabble in the House MD and the Doctor Who and (sometimes) the Disney. But even though I read and loved the series, I tend to steer clear of Twilight fandom, for a couple of reasons (and when I say "the fans," I mean "a whole lot of the fans."):

1) The Twilight fans insist that this is the new Harry Potter and Stephenie Meyer is the new JK Rowling. I CANNOT STAND FOR SUCH CRAP. *stubbornly waves HP flag*

2) The characters in the book practically scream Mary Sue/Gary Stu, and I don't really want to read anything of an OOC Mary Sue.

3) When I talk to "twi-hards" about the book, I feel like all that is ever said is ZOMG!!111!!SOAMAZING!!eleven!EDWARD IS HOT!!OMGWTFBBQJACOBBLACK!!! Etc. And any criticism at all gets you a one way ticket out of the conversation, plus a bitching out. And I rarely get to have/hear serious conversations about the books. (Which, by the way, I enjoy often in the HP fandom. And the others, when I partake in them. Well...not Disney, so much.)

Twilight and Harry Potter

Twilight is the next Harry Potter. NOT. I don't understand why Twilight has to be the next anything. It's a cliche teen adventure romance. Not to say Harry Potter isn't ever cliche -- it is -- but Twilight and Harry Potter are not exactly comparable, in my mind. I don't care how many copies sold where; Twilight is not taking over HP's turf, but the Twilight fans are INSISTING THAT IT IS. Now, if I have to choose between Twilight and Harry Potter, YOU KNOW WHAT I WOULD CHOOSE. (Yes, that's right, I'd choose Twilight. )

Twilight the Movie

Why must every book become a movie? WHY? I'm getting sick of it. But. I do love Robert Pattenson. I had plans to marry him, a few years back. And Kristin Stewart is alright as well. Let me just say -- it will be worth going to that movie just because there are so many ATTRACTIVE PEOPLE in it. (Who will (shamefully) be there opening night? *raises hand*)

After making this post, I feel a whole lot better. This has been on my mind for a while.

Mkay, so I was supposed to get a haircut this afternoon, but I'm going to the movies and the wait was an hour and a half so by the time it was my turn I'd only have ten minutes before having to leave for the theatre if I didn't want to be late . So probably tomorrow, I'll get the haircut.

Interview tomorrow. Aaaand, Shanna is coming to stay over. PLEASE GOD IF YOU CAN HEAR ME: NO RAIN, NOT AT ALL THIS WEEKEND.

harry potter, twilight series, rant, random

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