i've neglected my LJ in favor of the writers workshop stuff. which means that in terms of documenting emotions and feelings and whatnot, it's still all there. events, however, which i usually attach to those emotions are long gone and in a haze.
i used proactive on my face last nite and woke up this morning looking like a tomato. hey, that's fun. painted a pic for zo, too. i dunno, iiiiiiii thought it was pretty nice. i dunno if he likes it or not (he has to, rite? it's from his frat).
going to sc tomorrow. that's exciting. get to play with gernez and julie, much needed. hopefully i get to see more people too COUGHdeniseCOUGH, but we will see how the weekend goes.
i come back to LA on saturday to work a friggen gazillion hour shift for SIPA's gala dinner. have you seen our psa on abs-cbn (mom just ordered it this week on our cable. i can watch wowowee from the convenience of my own home now):
Click to view
ok, i really should pack now.