(no subject)

Oct 09, 2004 08:39

Well Women's drinks was popular, the first night of the bar and Crazy Tuesday were both packed and my kiddies are lovely people :)

Since then I have mostly been not getting enough sleep.

On Wednesday I showed a prospective candidate and his parents around college, the department and Oxford. Jane and Adam seemed very suprised when I wasn't that fussed about showing the parents round too, and I really wasn't. They were nice people and asked all the right questions, and appreciated the amount of time I spent with them so not a single problem at all.

On Thursday I spent most of the day in the OUSU Freshers' Fair, simultaneously promoting the Target Schools stand and the academic affaris stand next door (the stewards were incredibly busy so Linsey couldn't come and promote it herself; I took it upon myself to get people interested in the change in library opening hours campaign and actually had fun doing it!)

During the day there was many a Balliol person, obviously lots of Freshers but many from my year too, and I saw 2 ex-CRGSers; Daniel Bagshaw, year below me, who got on the same bus as me and several people though we were brother and sister - second was Rachel Brown who took a year out, reapplied to Oxford and is embarking on a Law course at Mansfield.

That night lots of people went to the Bridge but being knackered I stayed and watched Monsters Inc before going to bed. I also joined the gym that's right near our house; it belongs to the university hence a student membership costs just £40 for the entire year!!

Yesterday was a little bit stressful to be honest; signing up for your own tutorials is crap, especially when only two of your three options is offering tutorials in this term, so as such you only have 4 tutes and 2 classes having signed up for everything possible in the other two. Grrr. I'm meant to have 8 things altogether.

Then Laz and I promoted Women's pool to the Balliol Freshers but as there were very few women there it was quite hard to be successful!!

Afterwards I popped into OUSU to see Laura and signed myself and several people up to the guest list for Filth last night. It was a free Ben and Jerry's ice cream night.

Firstly Alison and I went into the Balliol bar to watch karaoke with Laz, and were joined later by Em (Brasenose Biologist). Laz stayed until the bar closed but the rest of us went to Filth at the bell for last orders. Upon reaching there Dan Finley waved us straight through and we purchased drinks and procured free ice cream. Lorna was also there, with the OxStu people and as it turns out, she didn't know many of them so stayed with us for ages. Anna and Row were also there, and Linsey arrived a little later, after bar closing at St John's. Charlynne, more than a little tipsy, joined us shortly afterwards and from pretty much then (11:15pm) til closing (2am) I was on the dancefloor. Firstly there was me, Charlynne, Em, Alison and Lorna, then after Em left and Alison sat down we were joined by Linsey, John, Bex, Laura, Chris and Alison from OUSU. There were lots of Balliol people around that I'd put on the guest list (Emma, Mihir, Samir, Holly, Mark, Vikki, Sam, Tri etc etc) but they all just sat on the sofas and didn't dance. Not a problem, I had a fantastic night with said OUSU bods; probably the best night out I've ever had. Some guy randomly interupted our group and decided to put my long beaded necklace around his neck as well as mine, which was a little odd and we dispensed him soon after, then a guy actually legitimately asked me to dance but I was on a girls night out (particularly since Lorna had had a bad ex/men hating night, so we stuck together in solidarity!!) so I didn't bother. Ah well...there was free champagne around, which Linsey brought me a glass of before it all disappeared and I get on even better with Charlynne now, which is great because she's ace. Hell, I love all the OUSU bods, as most people are becoming to realise. In fact I think several Balliol people are pissed off at the fact that I now know the OUSUers and they know me but to be honest, I'm only going to spend time with them now at Target Schools and if my friends can't accept me meeting new people it's a bit off really.

I have a tute on Thursday and my tutor hasn't sent me a reading list. Goddamnit.

In other news, there is a possibility I will be setting up some sort of women and science social thing in Balliol and I have been persuaded into doing the backstage stuff for Tri production of the Vagina Monologues. That's me incredibly busy for this term then; I won't get to see many people at all!! Ah well, I'll see them next year!!!

Best go, things to do
love you all
Helen xXx
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