Oct 11, 2007 23:29
Can this get any worse.
My mother-in-law (Toni) has lost it. She hates her son in law (ADAM) we all arn't really to fond of him but this is so bad. Toni doesn't want anything to do with her Daughter or Jake. She told me that Jake hates me and she hopes that I go to school because oneday ill get tired of loving him so much and getting nothing in return. I really don't think she knows her son like I do. If he hates me he wouldn't be with me. He wouldnt have bought me a car and he wouldnt put up with my shit.
She told Erin and Adam they are no longer welcome at her house and they can not come see her for the holidays. She deleted Jake and Erins phone number out of her phone. Toni told me to call her when I have the baby and she will not be comming to see us at the hospital. She donated Kales things to the thrift store and No longer will watch him when needed or on weekends. She doesnt want Kale to grow up hating her like Jake does...
She said all her children hate her..
plus she put fucking words in my mouth.
She said I told her that Jake told me that He hates her...WTF I wouldn't say that to her. Toni is crazy!!!! Jake has never said He hates his mother.
I don't know what to belive.
All this started because Toni went to Erins house to decorate. Adam didnt like any of the decorations and that pissed her off. Then Toni and Adam got into it.
Adam is an asshole. He never liked Erins parents. He always has to be with Erin. Yeah one of those guys..hes on her ass like a annoying Butt Hair.
Toni is crazy. Everyone knows it. She knows it. She said she hears 3 voices. She needs to get on something...weed is not working.