Don't you...

Jan 28, 2008 10:58

This weekend was pretty uneventful. On Friday after the gym, I picked my sister up from work and we headed to Whiskey Tango to hang out with my cousin for his roommate's friends birthday party. I've met his roommate once before, and she's a nice girl, but I'd never met the birthday girl before. Either way, it was just supposed to be a reason to drink, but who needs those anymore? Anyway, we get there, find our group (which isn't really a party, so-to-speak, but just the three people mentioned above), park ourselves and start a tab. (I never carry cash, so I started a tab with the $27 I had left in my bank account, and since my sister paid my cover, I bought her her first 2 drinks). There was a live band that night (as there's always been at Whiskey both times I've been there previously), and they took the stage shortly after we got there. Now, mind you, I've never really been a fan of local cover bands (unless, of course they feature harmony smurf). I never understood people who get so excited to see a pretty bad rendition of already overplayed pop songs by a collection of guys who never got laid in high school. That being said, this band, The Benderz, despite the lame name, was actually pretty good.

The Benderz opened their first set with Simple Mind's "Don't You Forget About Me", and that caught my attention. By this time, at the birthday girl's request, we had moved from the back of the bar to left front stage, right near the chick who was parading around the bar in bare feet and a load of wing sauce on the left breast of her white button down shirt. They then proceeded to play The Cure's "Just Like Heaven," and if you know me, you know that automatically put them up a few notches in my book. I then spent the rest of the night judging this band by the obscurity (obscure in the sense that most local coverbands don't play them) of the songs that they played and drinking Miller Lites and lemon drop shots. In the end, I gave The Benderz an 8/10 rating, based upon their renditions of The Cure, Simple Minds, Eddie Money, and Bruce Springsteen's "Born to Run." My sister wants to follow them around town, but I don't know if I was that into them.

The rest of the weekend was really a whole lot of sleeping. I was supposed to hang out with Mr. Right on Saturday night after babysitting for my boss, but that fell through when he had to work late due to a straggling table at the restaurant where he moonlights. We ended up having a 2.5 hour conversation instead, which was just fine for me, despite the lack of making out. Sunday morning I got a call from my friend who wanted to go out for Pho, so I went up to the Great Northeast to meet her. On my way home, I decided I would stop at Fresh Grocer because I was out of produce for the upcoming week, and I needed to refill so I didn't stray from my healthy eating plan that I've been doing pretty well on (minus the daily soft pretzel run, but that kind of comes with the territory where I live). I ended up spending the remainder of my babysitting earnings ($27) on a pint of strawberries, 3 nectarines, 2 green peppers, 1 bag of celery, 2 cucumbers, one lb. of cherries, a box of graham crackers, and a box of Quisp cereal. None of the produce was organic. Needless to say, I think I'll stick to ShopRite, where that order would have cost me at most $20 and there are a lot more people shopping in sweats and and Ts than miniskirts and UGGS.

I have two short and easy papers due this week, which I intended to write this weekend, but I decided to close out my weekend by watching my Netflix: Double Indemnity and Welcome to the Dollhouse, which I rated 4 and 2 stars, respectively.

expensive produce, coverbands, weekend

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