Jul 05, 2004 22:07
omg it was sweet. well. i started my day at 2:15 because taylor decided to be super cool and call me. then i got mad at him. but. anyway.
then i went over to LAURENS. and we were being sweet for about an hour or so, picking out pop, and such. and then we were the FIRST TO ARRIVE at laurens grandparents house. haha-lauren decided to make a ten second job into a good 2 minute job. but it was all good-because the flags were EVENLY spaced...
((you just kind of had to be there)) lets see..what else did we do..
oh yes. we ate those really good butterfly crackers! we also ate like..3 screwballs..and a lot more food:-D. after a while, we played badmitten, and it was me, lauren, and chelsea against mrs. garner, tom, and eric...and of course-we lost. but not by much! 31-22ish..yeah; maybe we do suck; but we suck in style:-D. so then we went on a pontoon (is that how you spell it?) ride and we had fun being jealous of really really rich people who win the lottery..and then we watched the rain pour down on the opposite side of the lake, and then slowly, but surely, come over to visit us.so we had some fun with that. haha. then we blew some stuff up, which was GREAAT fun. haha. 73 sparklers at one time makes a really this color greeen light. haha. so then after we blew up a lot of stuff-we went back to laurens house and we went swimming! lol. carly, laurens baby cousin, would not stop saying no. it was the cutest thing ever--but anyway. the pool was frickin 96 degrees, so it was basically swimming in a big bathtub. we had some fun playing bridge and catogories. then we had this huge "dunking/throwing balls at each other" fight. that lasted a long time. after that party ended-we went back to start another at laurens grandparents. so we started watching fireworks..which was just WONDERFUL. mostly because the losers a couple houses down were setting them off, and the wind was blowing, so the "hot embers" were falling on us. yeah. it was hot. and i really enjoyed all the smoke coming in our direction. it was truely perfect. so that was glamerous. so now-after we recovered from not breathing, we were um...praying that these people would fall into the water...ahem. we're so nice! then we went back to laurens and we eventually fell asleep around 1.