Dec 30, 2012 15:02
I wish all of you the happiest New Year ever!!!
I would like to say "Thank you" to all my classmates. It was great experience and time together. We all learnt how to communicate with different nationalities, cultures and personalities. I wish all of us the great success in life!
Thank you to all who was in my life during 2012. You did my year! I will keep our mutual memories very carefully.
And, of course, my dearest friends! You know, that I love you so much! And I want to say "Thanks" to Skype, Facebook and WhatsApp that connect us in spite of thousands kms between countries. I wish you come to London more often!
My dearest Londoners! You became part of me. I found awesome friends. I really hope that you will be part of my year 2013. You are
more than welcome!
I am really sorry if I hurt someone during 2012. There is no excuse. All I can do is become better and better to avoid anything negative in the future!
Happy New Year! See you in 2013!