Oct 11, 2009 23:46
So today is my birthday. I am now 24 years old...err...or have been since midnight last night (to which I was still up for, haha!)
Unfortunately, I had to work today. Kinda sucky seeing as I had to go in a few hours early, work the register then switch uniforms and become a waitress. ("Hello, may I take your order?") In the midst of the semi quiet period, I happened to look up and lo and behold who do I see standing there, and end up doing a double take on? If you said the president, well you're WRONG! Haha! It was Michael! My super amazing boyfriend whom I love to pieces by the way. Basically ended up tackling him at the door because I wasn't expecting him. The jerk plotted. He was LARPing in Woodstock, CT but because his car decided to go all mental, he told me he had to get a ride from his friend, to which that meant that he wouldn't stop in at the diner. I was a sad panda. But the man told me a fib :) His car (which really did end up in the shop) took his toockus to his game and then down to my family's diner.
He spend the whole dinner waiting for me to get out of work. But instead of being the creepy stalker boyfriend, he spent most of the dinner eating his buffalo chicken salad and having an actual conversation with my father. My dad likes him a lot. Likes him to the point where he'll play silly jokes on him, like, telling my cousin Michael is greek and having my cousin start talking to him in greek. Poor Michael, he was so confused, but they all got a good laugh out of it. Dad gave him the shoulder squeeze and a quick one two man pat thing. I can't explain it. I dont want to say my dad gave him a back rub and have people thing your dad gave him a massage, wtf? It was more like a slide of the hand across the shoulders in a "yeah, you can be my son in law" type way. Anyway, moving along. At one point I had enough time to actually open up the first gift he got me which is a silver wire heart and chain and in the center of the heart is a blue opal (my birthstone ^_^). I squeed for a second before putting it on and rushing back to work.
So, later that night, when i was finally done, he and my dad plotted without me knowing and as I'm sitting down to eat my dinner, the WHOLE wait staff comes out and starts to sing happy birthday to me. Dad plops a piece of cake with a candle in front of me and Im cracking up, embarassed. Michael tells me after they all disperse that he and my dad plotted that. Bwaaah. Yeah, dad really likes him. So, finally, I clock out and he and I walk to my car to which there was some furious making out followed by the gift of a promise ring. A silver ring with an opal stone(the milky white version) in the center and thin curls on the sides. So I guess this makes him my pseudo-fiancee? Sweet deal in my opinion. We spend the next two hours sitting in my car, talking and talking, until after so many "Okay, i need to go now" we parted ways until we can see each other once more.
I love Michael so damn much. He makes me so happy and being with him is just uplifting and perfect and so right. <3 <3