The Random Question Meme!
An array of completely random questions about my friends!
jasmineistrash become invisible at will?Sure can. Like a giant vagina.What is
fallenheart's favorite book?Nightmare Before Christmas Anonymous?What is the most embarrassing thing you know about
a_perfect_day?I dont speak of such things. But we sure do have fun at disneyland.What is
uglyshyla's favorite song?I really have no clue. Rock Lobster?What would happen if you were to date
phragilemind?The world would bow to our knees, and everything would be right once again. And amazing sex. HahahaaaaWhy would
sexasurfbabe go to heaven but
poisoned_by_ivy go to hell?I switch that around. My cousin is a sweetheart. She will go to heaven.....Erika....don't mean to send you to hell but you can party with me then. I will take over by then.
martyrssymphony is in a maze of twisty passages, all alike. What now?Become spiderman.Where did
neosahdow go?To the land of pizza eatin-doobie smokin-no shoewearin-Deidrichs.In what ways are you smarter than
head_trama?I am smarter in all ways. You will catch up soon young grasshopper.What would
x_horrorcore_x like to do for a living?ME. Hahahahahaaaaa. He would like to get paid for drinking and playing bass. Like me.
This is by
heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions
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