I forgot. It's America's fault a bunch of sand monkeys hate us. The World Trade Center was just taunting those poor impoverished bags of shit to fly airplanes into them. If our country wasn't so great, the international community wouldn't hate us so much. On behalf of the United States, we're sorry your country sucks camel dick, but please don't hate us.
You don't think there are kids who have suffered the wrong end of our weapons
I'm sure there are, but I'm not that concerned over a dead terrorist's children who would grow up to hate America anyway. If kids happen to die, I consider a future potential problem nipped in the bud.
I'm pointing out that we're standing in gasoline lighting matches
Yeah, we terrible. We support Israel and have a presence in Muslim "holy places". I guess our match lighting was having paved roads and indoor plumbing.
Not intentionally. With that being said, if you are bombing an area where known enemy combatants are, there is the possibility of "others" being killed. Things happen. *shrugs*
Sorry to hear that, killing kids sucks.. My dad's in your camp too. Never understood why, with food in his belly, he went off to nam and killed people he never met.
Again, you don't go into combat looking for kids to shoot. You try to avoid shooting kids. But shit happens. War isn't perfect, and bad things happen. If you don't have the stomach to engage in such efforts that could possibly end up in child death, then do not enlist.
Besides, it's much better to get a grown up kill instead of bragging aboot a half kill.
I'm not declaring life is fair, I'm pointing out that we're standing in gasoline lighting matches.
I'm sure there are, but I'm not that concerned over a dead terrorist's children who would grow up to hate America anyway. If kids happen to die, I consider a future potential problem nipped in the bud.
I'm pointing out that we're standing in gasoline lighting matches
Yeah, we terrible. We support Israel and have a presence in Muslim "holy places". I guess our match lighting was having paved roads and indoor plumbing.
Spoken like a terrorist.
So, how many kids have you killed protecting your right to occupy a country, or is this nerely an intellectual exercise?
Besides, it's much better to get a grown up kill instead of bragging aboot a half kill.
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