Japan at Nature's Edge: The Nuclear Context of an Unclear Power
You know that smell in the air, where everyone says, "Whodunnit?" but nobody will own up to it. Well it seems Japan is in denial about Unclear waste from Nuclear power... and now America has signs of the disease. - Peter Barakan (journalist at large)
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In short, nuclear power isn't a problem, but if your country can't run their nuclear plants properly, maybe you shouldn't have nuclear power...
homer simpson works at TEPCO
there's a food warning for anyone who's interested..
saturday night fish fry
Helen Caldicott in particular has been perfectly willing to lie and fear-monger in the past. She, for instance, has claimed that 80% of the babies born in Iraq have defects, which is a straight-up lie. She wants to end nuclear power forever, and believes that lies and misinformation are justified if it leads to the end of nuclear weapons (her own words).
That having been said, I am glad to read the claims to get a feel for what people think about the issue.
today what isn't suspect? and if we can't believe MSM who can we believe?
in any case, we don't seem to be getting clear information from legitimate authorities, probably because they don't know themselves what will happen
truly, i don't know what to think. i feel like neville shute on the beach in the land down under waiting for the radiation cloud to hit australia..
He does, however, point out how shitty TEPCO was on disseminating info, and how much misinformation they were spreading. THIS is a huge concern, as I mentioned above. TEPCO is likely not a company that should have nuclear plants.
To give you some idea of the levels we're talking about, here are the reports of radiation they've found on the west coast of North America:
They have found levels of cesium-134, but they are still considerably lower than any level that we would be concerned about. A quote from below sums it up:
http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/ ( ... )
you are a good sot.
peace and understanding
; )
"The robot was supposed to be able to cope with 73 sieverts of radiation, but the radiation level inside the reactor was recently recorded at 530 sieverts."
That is roughly 50 times a lethal dose.
No one knows HOW to clean it up. And that is a problem for the long term sustainability of nuclear.
it's sci-fi scary
now there's a good idea for a ski fi movie - dead robots!
i like that
and it's going to take atomic fallout to kill them
but hey, it's worth it to save the planet
i'm starting to write the script as we speak
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