This is no joke !! )))
This just in:
nastya_maks at
Приметы времени : США (USA) прощается с таким понятием, как "свобода" During the reign of the current American President, such a thing as freedom, somehow unnoticeably vanished from the basic principles of American society. Actually it was not so simple, as nevertheless United States has always marketed itself as a country of unprecedented personal freedoms and endless possibilities...
This was what first drew immigrants from around the globe. Now, this concept is no longer even a myth as Obama cabinet officials prefer not to mention it. The country is sliding at a huge rate into police state of totalitarian world order as politicians continue to erode personal freedoms of its citizens. Yet ironically many "ordinary citizens" are already internally wishing not to be free.
"It seems that in recent years, under the guise of combating terrorism, intelligence agencies and Governments were able to manhandle the population, so that it has already forgotten what it means to be outside Government control or take responsibility for their actions," writes the famous American journalist Todd Wood. In his opinion, the country would be able to regain its former glory, only if its people restore the desire for freedom.
To understand how deeply embedded this indifference is, it is enough to mention the fact that if Americans used to joke on any topic, including with respect to any visiting dignitaries, or the President, it now becomes a traitorous act beyond terrorism.
This is the true alarm bell process. Wood also notes that the current American administration corruption has swallowed up all power structures, including security services. He says that today's American kids don't even know what freedom means.
However, some part of society is not willing to accept that their hard drive is a bondage of another sort. Talking about it, at least the mass excitement that waves arises over great distances from one voice in one State to another, few and far between.
While even mass killings, which have become more frequent in this country than in its bloody history, very well fits into the scheme of internal tension of this gun society, when suppressed impulses can only escape solely in this way as if in the coming years in this country, nothing will change; but to immerse yourself in the darkness of despair and hopelessness. Vote Hope, was the great Obama Deception.
Neil Young - Freedom
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