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anfalicious October 1 2014, 16:14:18 UTC
It took me about 30 seconds to remember the watermelon-as-a-racist-trope thing. Until then this made no sense.

Actually, it still makes no sense.

On googling, some dude broke in to the whitehouse. This still makes no sense.

Am I missing something, or is this just *lulzracism*?


hardblue October 1 2014, 16:20:39 UTC
I'm wondering if the cartoonist was playing on the idea that the intruder was a racist, but if so, this is one of the places where racism was never really part of the story, until this cartoonist became part of the story with that racist note. I think the intruder was Hispanic and racism had nothing to do with anything.


yes_justice October 3 2014, 06:44:26 UTC
I (also) don't think so. The intruder wasn't a racist AFAIK. He was a wounded combat veteran with PTSD.


hardblue October 3 2014, 20:55:04 UTC
I know, dude. That's why I said this was one issue that could have gone without the 'race' card coming into play. I was feeling chatty and offered a theory as what the hell might have been behind this cartoon, wondering if the cartoonist, not knowing more about the intruder, lazily assumed there were racist motivations.


yes_justice October 4 2014, 00:03:07 UTC
Too innocent. I think Herald was trolling.


mudryikot October 1 2014, 16:34:27 UTC
And what is racist about watermelons?


chron_job October 1 2014, 16:46:32 UTC
Its a U.S. cultural trope that black people like certain foods, among them, watermelon and/or fried chicken.

If someone offered me fried chicken, it would be innocuous enough. I love fried chicken. If someone offered me Watermelon, I would stick my tongue out and walk away with a grossed out expression on my face.

But to offer a black person fried chicken or watermelon, in an EXTRANEOUS way, is to subtly and, most observers would presume, purposefully call attention to the fact that 1) They are Black, and 2) We all know how Black People Be.

And the use of watermelon here is somewhat extraneous. #1) Its a very uncommon toothpaste flavor, and #2) its specific reference appears unconnected the main jist of the comic's humor (an intruder getting so close to the president that he can take a bath and brush his teeth without notice.)


mudryikot October 1 2014, 17:17:28 UTC
Ah, thank you for the explanation.

Good that there is nothing wrong with watermelons per se. Love them. Although I once found out where the kidneys are after washing down a 4 kg watermelon with couple of liters of dark ale...


(The comment has been removed)

yes_justice October 2 2014, 19:38:09 UTC
He said he really likes watermelon toothpaste. Right. They've changed the flavor to raspberry in subsequent publishing.

The editors at the Herald are similar to today's Secret Service in that are letting things dangerously get through.


yes_justice October 3 2014, 06:29:34 UTC
is this just *lulzracism*?

I'm pretty sure the Herald was trolling us, yes.


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