Well, if everyone else can post an obscure and confusing cartoon, so shall I!!

Sep 02, 2009 00:49

In a nutshell, our economy has been doing much better with Obama than Bush.  but, you go ahead and be confused as hell.

Cartoonist Eric G. Lewis' take on the economic discussion.

Click on cartoon for larger image in new window.

And a market graph from Doug Short.

This matches up the market bottoms for four crashes (with an interim bottom for the Great Depression).

Note that the Great Depression crash is based on the DOW; the three others are for the S&P 500.

On Wells Fargo from Bloomberg: Wells Fargo to Repay TARP Without Raising New Equity P.S. this is from calculated risk, which I thought was rather obvious because you can put your curser over any part of it to see where it came from.


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